Match Rules

Banned Plugins & Modifiers

  • Note Slice Visualiser
  • Intro/Outro Skip
  • AccDot Plugin
  • PlayFirst Submit Later
  • Directional HitScoreVisualisers that include arrows or other means of helping correct swings while playing
  • Any plugin that affects scoring and that disables scores from being uploaded to ScoreSaber or BeatLeader

Special Notes

  • We recommend you disable in-game Twitch chat for the matches.
  • Pro Mode is allowed.

Replay Rules

  • Replays may be used for any reason.
  • Each player is allowed one replay per match.
  • Only one replay may be played per map.
  • The winner of a map may not call a replay.
  • Both players will be given their scores and misses before they can call a replay and both players will play the map again, should a replay be called by one of the players.
  • If a replay occurs, the better scores of each player will be counted (for example, if P1 has a better score on their first run and a worse score on their replay, their first score will count nonetheless).
  • There are no additional technical replays.

Match Flow

The winner of a roll in the Discord match chat will decide whether to be Player 1 or Player 2 in the Picks & Bans process.

Best of 3

There are seven maps in the pool. Winner is the first player who has two wins.

  1. P2 bans a map.
  2. P1 bans a map.
  3. P1 picks the first map.
  4. P2 picks the second map.
  5. P1 bans a map.
  6. P2 bans a map.
  7. Tiebreaker is played.

Best of 5

There are nine maps in the pool. Winner is the first player who has 3 wins.

  1. P2 bans a map.
  2. P1 bans a map.
  3. P1 picks the first map.
  4. P2 picks the second map.
  5. P1 bans a map.
  6. P2 bans a map.
  7. P2 picks the third map.
  8. P1 picks the fourth map.
  9. Tiebreaker is played.

Best of 7

There are 13 maps in the pool. Winner is the first player who has 4 wins.

  1. P2 bans a map.
  2. P1 bans a map.
  3. P1 picks the first map.
  4. P2 picks the second map.
  5. P1 bans a map.
  6. P2 bans a map.
  7. P2 picks the third map.
  8. P1 picks the fourth map.
  9. P1 bans a map.
  10. P2 bans a map.
  11. P1 picks the fifth map.
  12. P2 picks the sixth map.
  13. Tiebreaker is played.